Hello! Welcome to the Idea Pitches page of the site! Here you can pitch me your ideas about/regarding the anime and receive full credit! Just give me your username on whatever usersite you use. Unfortunately, I can only pay you with credit, since I am broke. So don't expect anything more than credit. 
Yakeshi Demo.aup Yakeshi Demo.aup
Size : 0.002 Kb
Type : aup
Atom Storm 2.0..aup Atom Storm 2.0..aup
Size : 0.001 Kb
Type : aup
Please tell me what you think in Meebo above! This is my voice for Yakeshi, but I have a sorta.... sore? No.... not "sore" parse... Just... higher than usual. Anywho tell me what you think! :) Also I re-recorded Atom Storm, so you can listen to that to if you want a give me your thoughts on it. Pointless Hate is not tolerated here. I have no problem with people getting angry though. Just don't come in and say something like/along the lines of "U suk", "ur a gay faggot" or "suck my dick, gaytard". I'll make a vid of these instead, since Audacity is being a bitch.